




对于使用过 multi-template 的用户


如果你已用过1.10版本的Aegisub的 multi-template 脚本,你应该了解在卡拉OK模版执行器中的几个类似的概念,但也有几个不同的地方。其中的一些是:

  • 你不再需要在说话人栏中声明template行,取而代之的是在特效栏声明。你也可以把除template外的更多的东西放到那里。请阅读上面的教程来获得介绍,或者你觉得你能看懂的话可以参考下面的内容。
  • Lua code区不再使用百分号来标记,改为使用感叹号。所以需用 !$start+$i*30! 代替 %$start+$i*30%
  • 全局变量 A 不再使用, 但是 linesyl可以直接使用。两种lua code在其自己的环境中分别运行,所以, 模板中lua代码和Karaoke Templater之间冲突的可能性更小。
  • return false hack to cancel execution of a template no longer works. Neither does having multi-statement Lua blocks and returning from them in general. For the first purpose the fxgroup functionality has been introduced, and for your multi-statement needs code lines have been introduced.
  • Instead of working with newline and line (for being-generated and original line) you now work with line and orgline for being-generated and original lines.
  • The retime function has been introduced to make it much easier to control the start and end times of your generated lines.
  • Lots of more fancy features. Check the tutorials or read the reference to learn about it all.